VAZ-2106 hit three pedestrians in Tashkent region 



A video showing how a VAZ-2106 car hit three pedestrians in Qibrai district of Tashkent region was circulated on social networks.  The press service of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs gave an official response to the situation.

It was reported that on June 19 of this year at approximately 18:00 on the highway “Tashkent-Qibray-May” passing through the territory of Qibray district of Tashkent region, a drunk driver born in 1991 was driving a VAZ-2106 car and the steering wheel  lost control and hit three pedestrians traveling on the left side of the road.

A citizen born in 2009 died as a result of a traffic accident.  Also, two more victims were admitted to the district central hospital.

An investigation is currently underway.

Let’s remind, earlier in Tashkent, Lacetti hit a 9-year-old boy on a bicycle.  Nexia-2 driver hit two people.  Also, a driver hit two drunk pedestrians in Surkhandarya.



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