Ambulance drivers are fined. They responded with a video message
09 January 2023
12301Ambulance drivers in Tashkent made a video appeal because they are receiving fines for violations.
“While we were on call, we are receiving fines for speeding, crossing the “lane”, running a red light. The amount of the fines is huge, even our salary is not enough for it. Fines are limiting our movement. Therefore, if we can’t arrive on time, we ask you not to make all sorts of comments,” the video message says.
According to the traffic safety service, the driver of an ambulance can deviate from the requirements of certain rules in accordance with the procedure established on the basis of Clause 25 of the Traffic Rules.
“In such a case, if the vehicle is registered through special cameras, when documents confirming the performance of official duties that cannot be delayed are presented, the administrative violation of the drivers will be deemed to have been committed as a case of necessity, and the administrative case will be terminated in accordance with Article 271 of this Code,” the message read. .
It is noted that the situation is being studied in detail. Additional information will be provided on the result.
Samarqand shahrida metro quriladi.
14 January