Sevara Nazarkhan becomes the People's Artist of Uzbekistan

Art & Culture


Popular pop singer Sevara Nazarkhan became the People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The relevant decree of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was signed.

Also, for their outstanding services in the development of science, education, literature, culture, and art in Uzbekistan, as well as their active participation in social life, the following are awarded honorary titles:

With the honorary title "People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Koziyev Toir Askarovich - teacher of the traditional performance department of the Republican specialized music school named after V. Uspensky, musician

Nadirova Aygul Bazarbaevna - associate professor of the Department of Musical Education of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, singer, Republic of Karakalpakstan

Nazarkhonova Sevara Anvarjonovna - singer of "Uzbekkonsert" state institution

Umarov Valikhon Mirvasilevich - chief director of the State Academic Russian Drama Theater of Uzbekistan

Urinbayev Kamoliddin Turdimuratovich - rector of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, artistic director of the State Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan

Amonkulova Nigina Haydarovna - singer of the "Daryo" ensemble of the Television and Radio Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

With the honorary title of "People's Hafiz of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Matchonov Ochilbek Yoldashboyevich - teacher of Urganch State University, status singer, Khorezm region

With the honorary title of "People's Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Ziyakhanov Khurshid Javidovich - senior teacher of the department of miniatures and book graphics of the National Institute of Painting and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, graphic artist

With the honorary title "People's Bakhshi of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Kholboyev Khamza Davlayevich - "Rayhon" singing and dancing folk ensemble at the "New Star" cultural center of Uzun district, Surkhandarya region

With the honorary title of "People's Master of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Jalolov Khodzhikurban - master carpenter of the "Golden Ganch Mansurjon" enterprise of the Republican "Usto" association, Samarkand region

With the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Artikova Dilnoza Ilhombayevna is a dancer of the Khorezm region branch of the Uzbekistan State Philharmonic.

Kabdurahmanov Alibek Asatullaevich - chief conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan

Saidzoda Ozoda Parpiyevna - singer of the state institution "Uzbekkonsert"

With the honorary title "Honored Youth Coach of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Lutpullayev Khairulla - professor of the national singing department of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan

Mavlony Mashhura Igamovna - head of the laboratory of industrial microbiology of the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academician

Mirzamahmudov Ismailjan - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, poet, Fergana region

Sultanov Begdulla Jumashevich - honorary pedagogue, Republic of Karakalpakstan

With the honorary title of "Honored Health Worker of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Ikramov Adkham Ilhamovich - Minister of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan

With the order of "Imam Bukhari"

Naimov Alisher Abdurashidovich - Deputy Chief Imam-Khatib of Fergana Region, Chief Imam-Khatib of Kuvasoy City

Usmanov Rahmatillo Akhmatovich - chief imam of Kashkadarya region, representative of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan in the Kashkadarya region

Elov Jobir Rustamovich - chief imam of Bukhara region, representative of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan in Bukhara region

With the Order of "Labour Glory"

Abdualimov Alakhon - history teacher of the 81st general secondary school in Davlatabad district, Namangan region

Kamilov Azizjon Yakubjanovich - Deputy Chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan

Saparova Raikhan Khalmuratovna - honored artist of the Karakalpak State Theater of Young Audiences, singer, Republic of Karakalpakstan

Tukhliyev Bakijan - Professor of the Department of Classical Philology and Literary Source Studies of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies

With the Order of "Friendship"

Abduvakhabov Mirzabakhrom - a member of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, potter, Andijan region

Aripov Tahir Fatikhovich - head of the laboratory of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academician

Arslanov Negmat - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, writer, Tashkent region

Ashirbayev Samikhan - head of the Department of Folklore and Dialectology of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi

Bayzakov Bakhtiyor Bayzakovich - head of the laboratory of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Boltayev Bahadir - actor in the musical drama theater of the Bukhara region

Bobir Hodievich Bomuradov - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a poet

Gulamova Marguba Makhamadrasulovna - native language and literature teacher of the 77th specialized boarding school for the blind in Yashnabad district, Tashkent city

Davronov Sherzod Ravshanovich - deputy director of the "Farhod" Palace of Culture of the state institution "Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine Foundation", singer, Navoi region

Yenin Valery Ivanovich -  member of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, a painter

Imomov Khabibulla Mannapovich - member of the Republican "Hunarmand" association, master of national musical instruments, Tashkent city

Karimova Zarifa Gulyamovna - associate professor of the Department of Music Pedagogy of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan

Kurbonov Saparboy Baratovich - member of the Republican "Hunarmand" association, saddler, Jizzakh region

Mambetsheripova Nazira Abdiganiyevna - head of the science, education, and culture department of the Uzbekistan 24 TV channel of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan

Matrizayev Kurambay - a member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, writer, Khorezm region

Nazaryan Arsen Ashotovich - senior teacher of the Department of Pop Instrument Performance at the National Pop Art Institute named after Botir Zakirov.

Orziyev Odil Khujamovich - musician of the "Maqom" ensemble named after Yunus Rajabi

Rahimov Tahir Normatovich - soloist-vocalist of the State Musical Theater of Uzbekistan named after Mukimi

Rejametov Zuhritdin Tuganbayevich - actor in the State Satire Theater of Uzbekistan

Saydaminova Dilaram Akhmatovna - Honorary Professor of the Department of Composition and Instrumentation of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, composer

Saliyev Khabibulo Ismailovich - member of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, a calligrapher

Satbayev Orazbay Jumabaevich - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, poet, Republic of Karakalpakstan

Tillaboyev Shahid Gapparjonovich - general secretary of the Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan

Tovstenko Liliya Anatolevna - teacher of Russian language and literature at the 21st general secondary school in Bukhara, Bukhara region

Tojiyev Rasuljon Jumabayevych - head of the Department of Technological Machinery and Equipment of Fergana Polytechnic Institute

Sharipov Kongratbay Avezimbetovich - Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Shahobiddinov Ayub Shopathiddinovich - head of the film and series directorate of "Milliy TV Channel" limited liability company, film director

Shodmonov Nafas Namozovich - head of the Department of Uzbek Classic Literature of Karshi State University, Kashkadarya region

II degree "For a healthy generation" order

Abuzalova Mehriniso Kadyrovna - professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics and Journalism at Bukhara State University

Alibekova Alina Yakhayevna - teacher of the Department of Pop Performance at the Republican Specialized Music School named after V. Uspensky

Vafayeva Khadicha - honorary teacher, Samarkand region

Kuziyeva Zulfia Tashtanovna - mathematics teacher at the 3rd general secondary school in Saykhunabad district, Syrdarya region

Mahkamova Donakhon Toshtemirovna - educator of the 2nd pre-school education organization in Furqat district, Fergana region

Mukhitdinova Firyuza Abdurashidovna - member of the "Marifat" Society of Propagandists, professor of Tashkent State Law University

Tashmatov Urazali Gafurovich - Professor of the Department of Musical Performance and Music Theory of the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan

Tajiyev Yuldosh - teacher of the musical instrument class of the 14th children's music and art school in Bogot district, Khorezm region

Turdibayeva Ranokhan Azimzhanovna - Deputy Head of the Medical Association of Moynaq District for Maternal and Child Protection, Republic of Karakalpakstan

With the Order of "Health" of the II degree

Begaliyev Ural Ergashevich - urologist-andrologist at the private medical clinic "Doctor Akmal" in Jizzakh, Jizzakh region

Djalilov Ulugbek Amanbekovich - anesthesiologist-reanimatologist of the 1st central consultative-diagnostic polyclinic of the General Directorate of Medicine

Kadirov Shavkat Umidovich  - neurosurgeon at the Children's Department of the National Medical Research Center named after Academician N.N. Burdenko, Russian Federation

Kadirkhojayeva Nodirakhan - head of the reception department of the Republican Center for Specialized Traumatology and Orthopedic Scientific and Practical Medicine

Sadiyev Zakir Rakhmatovich - head of the hematology department of the multidisciplinary children's medical center of Samarkand region

With the medal "For Loyal Services"

Akhmedov Bakhodir Madjitovich - first deputy minister of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Kurbanov Jamshid Abduburkhanovich - director of the Hearing and Speech Restoration and Voice Rehabilitation Center in Tashkent

Sharifkhodzhayev Usman Ulfatovich - First Deputy Minister of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

With the "Healthy Life" medal

Andrey Aleksandrovich Kulikov is the director of the sports center "ProRun" in Tashkent

Najmidinova Gulbakhor Rakhimjonovna - nurse of the Pakhtakor Family Medical Center in Jalakuduq district, Andijan region

Okhunova Guzal Utkurovna - nurse of the 1st central consultative-diagnostic polyclinic of the General Directorate of Medicine

Turayeva Ulugay Toshtimurovna - paramedic of the emergency medical station of the Republican Emergency Medical Center, Qorovulbazar district, Bukhara region

With the "Shuhrat" medal

Abdullayev Akbar Khalilovich - actor in the puppet theater of the Samarkand region

Astanakulova Rana Khursanovna - head of the neurology department of the Center for Rehabilitation and Prosthetics of Persons with Disabilities, Surkhandarya Region

Atajanov Sobirjon Abidjanovich - actor of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater

Akhmedov Ashirali Abdukholiqovich - family doctor of "Kholmatobad" family medical center in Tashlok district, Fergana region

Akhmedov Mansur Shayunusovich - musician of the state dance ensemble "Bahor" named after M. Turgunbayeva

Babamuradov Bakhtiyor Achilovich - restorer-master on the repair and restoration of cultural heritage objects in the city of Bukhara, Bukhara region

Bozorov Khurshed Abdulloyevich - Professor of the Department of Organic Synthesis and Bioorganic Chemistry of the Biochemistry Institute of Samarkand State University, Samarkand Region

Boykoziyev Abdunabi - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a poet

Ganiyev Aliyorbek Avazovich - head of the cardiology department of the "Ikhlos Doctor MT" clinic in Tashkent

Ganiyeva Zukhra Abduvakhabovna - costume designer of the state unitary enterprise "Uzbekfilm" film concern

Jumanova Mohichekhra Zokirovna - singer of the "Maqom" ensemble named after Yunus Rajabi

Zhurakovsky Vladislav Emilevich - head of the stage lighting department of the State Academic Grand Theater of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi

Zakirov Timur Vladimirovich - anesthesiologist-reanimatologist of the 1st central clinical hospital of the General Directorate of Medicine

Ishakov Akzamzhan Giyazovich - member of the Creative Union of Cinematographers of Uzbekistan

Ishniyazova Khurshida Khudaybergenovna - singer of the Khorezm regional branch of the state institution "Uzbekkonsert"

Azam Makhamadali son of Kambarov - specialist of the Department of Organization of Information, Analysis and Propaganda of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Karimov Akhtamkul Sattorovich - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a poet

Karimov Khakimdjan - member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, a literary critic

Kasimova Uguloy Khamidovna - musician of the Dutor Ensemble of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan

Kurbanov Rakhmadjon Abidjonovich - actor in the State Youth Theater of Uzbekistan

Son of Mamasharipov Khusanboy Abdunabi - actor of "Diydor" youth experimental theater-studio

Son of Mannopov Azizbek Abduvali - Deputy Chairman of the Fund for the Development of Culture and Art

Marupov Ilhom Islamovich - head of the Information Service of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan - press secretary

Melikuziyev Djahangir Valijanovich - chief specialist of the Department of Organization of Information, Analysis, and Propaganda of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The son of Mirminov Rustamjon Abdumutal - singer of the ensemble "Maqom" named after Yunus Rajabi.

Son of Najimov Elmurad Iqboljan - Deputy Secretary General of the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on UNESCO Affairs

Niyazov Turab Mamadiyorovich - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a poet

Normatov Pulat Gaybullayevich - actor of the State Drama Theater of Uzbekistan

Norov Ilkhomjon Ashurovich - teacher of the Department of Epic Performance of the Uzbek National Music Art Institute named after Yunus Rajabi, teacher

Ochilova Feruza Murtazoyevna - singer of the "Navroz" song and dance ensemble of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan

Rajabova Ibodat Abdullayevna - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, poetess, Bukhara region

Rahimov Komiljon Rahmatovich - senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sayomov Bobirmirzo Abdumajit ugli - Head of the Museums Coordination Department of the Cultural Heritage Agency

Tadzhiyev Tolkien Berdiyarovich - singer of the state institution "Uzbekkonsert".

Takhirov Rauf Rakhmanovich - member of the Republican "Hunarmand" association, master tiler, Samarkand region

Toshev Azamat Bobokulovych - Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Tuychiyev Nadirjon Kazimzhanovich - chairman of the fan club of "Andijan" football club, Andijan region

Turdiyev Vahid Yakubovich - actor in the youth theater of the Andijan region

Tukhtayev Oybek Kamolovich - singer of the state institution "Uzbekkonsert".

Udovenko Olga Yurevna - Head of the Department of Folk Art of Uzbekistan of the State Art Museum of Uzbekistan

Usmanov Shamsiddin Yulchiboyevich - professor, director, theater arts department of the Fergana regional branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan, Fergana region

Faizullayev Vafokul Barnoyevich - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a poet

Khamdamova Mokhirakhan Yusubbekovna - ballet coach of the singing and dancing ensemble of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan "Navbahor"

Khamidova Khilola Djurayevna - singer of the state institution "Uzbekkonsert"

Khidirov Mirzokhid Gayratovich - chief specialist of the Tashkent regional administration of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Almazor district

Khodjayev Asadzhan Azatbekovich - Director of the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Khujaniyazova Zilola Turayevna - member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a poetess

Khuraliyev Jumavai Jurayevich - director of public events of the cultural center of Asaka district, skier, Andijan region

Fayrat Tursunovich Khusainov - drama artist in the musical drama theater of the Kashkadarya region

Yuldashev Muslum Islamovich - Associate Professor of the Department of International and Audiovisual Journalism of the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan

Yulchiyev Ilkhom Israilovich - singer of the state institution "Uzbekkonsert"

Yakubova Dilobar Abralbekovna - commentator of the chief editorial office of "Akhborot" TV channel "Uzbekistan 24" of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan


Sevara Nazarxon

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