Valuable trees cut down at construction site in Samarkand



Valuable trees have been cut down at a construction site in Samarkand. This was reported by the regional Department of Ecology.

It was announced that representatives of "S.Ye.Sh." LLC, who are carrying out construction work in Samarkand city, uprooted and removed four valuable and one less valuable type of trees from the area.

Currently, the damage to the plant world due to the destruction of these trees is being assessed. As there are signs of criminal activity, relevant documents have been prepared and submitted to law enforcement agencies for legal action.

For your information, according to Article 198, Part 2 of the Criminal Code, illegal cutting of forests, trees, or other plants that causes significant damage can result in a fine of 100 to 150 times the base calculation amount, 240 to 300 hours of community service, correctional labor for 1 to 2 years, restriction of freedom for 1 to 3 years, or imprisonment for up to 3 years.


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