The Presidential decree on the celebration of Ramadan Eid was announced



A decree by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the celebration of Ramadan Eid” was adopted.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Taking into account that the first day of Ramadan falls on 21 April in 2023, in order to create favorable conditions for the population to properly welcome this holiday and spend it energetically and happily:

The Decree by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 23 December 2022 “On determining non-working days and moving holidays during the celebration of official dates in 2023” No. PF-270 should be amended in accordance with the appendix.

2. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A.N. Aripov shall be entrusted with the supervision of the implementation of this Decision.

Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 23 December 2022 No. PF-270 “On establishing non-working days and moving holidays during the celebration of official dates in 2023”:

1.    Clause 1 should be amended as follows:

“1.  In 2023, the following additional days off should be set:

For all employees (regardless of the type of working week): 2 January  – Monday, 24 April– Monday, 30 June– Friday;

For employees working a six-day work week: 3 January  – Tuesday, 20 March– Monday, 22 March– Wednesday, 22 April– Saturday, 24 April– Monday, 1 July  – Saturday, 2 September  – Saturday, 30 December– Saturday.”

2.    Delete the fifth post from paragraph 3.

3.    Replace the words “Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage” with the words “Ministry of Culture and Tourism” in paragraph 4.


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