“Vodka” factory for father, “candy” factory for mother: 1.5 million gifts to officials. To the people...
08 November 2022
21023All civil servants may be allowed to receive gifts not exceeding 5 times the base calculation amount. Currently, this means 1.5 million soms. This possibility is provided for in the draft document released to the public by the Anti-Corruption Agency.
According to the project, if the value of the gift exceeds this amount, the gift can be disposed of by paying the excess to the budget.
Here are the prizes:
a) to be accepted and (or) presented in connection with a voluntary, specific reason, event (incident) and not exceeding the amount specified in Clause 5 of this regulation and not being a subject of luxury (luxury);
b) as a result of receiving or presenting a gift, the personal interest of a party, as well as the conflict of interest or the risk of corruption, and in particular, the obligation to make an impartial decision in the activities of a state civil servant, should not arise.
d) open and public acceptance and (or) presentation of gifts on business trips, international and other official events, and not to damage the reputation (prestige) of the state body;
e) a gift presented by a state civil servant should not be made at his expense;
f) giving a gift should be accompanied by a congratulatory speech, in which the event (incident) that led to giving a gift should be clearly expressed, as well as comply with the requirements of diplomatic protocol.
If civil servants violate the requirements of the regulations when receiving gifts, they will be held accountable in the manner established by legislation.
This decision will be discussed until 22 November this year.