The amount of money misused during a year in Higher Education Institutions, colleges and technical schools is revealed



In 2021, 302 institutions of higher and vocational education in Uzbekistan suffered financial errors and shortages amounting to 16.4 billion som. According to Salokhiddin Toshmatov, Head of Department under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, financial errors and omissions amounting to 2.7 billion som have been identified.

It was noted that financial errors amounting to $9.4 billion som had been made in 49 higher education institutions, 253 vocational educational establishments – 7.0 billion sum. In total, financial shortcomings and shortcomings of 16.4 billion som have been identified in 302 educational establishments.  
Of the16.4 billion sums of financial errors and shortcomings:
- a total of 11.4 billion dollars of unnecessary and excessive expenditure was averted (The existence of over-staffing in relation to the regulations in force, the overpayment of wages and the equivalent, the cost of repairs, the rent and the lack of goods and materials found in the inventory, accounts receivable and other settlements);

- overpayments amounting to 2.3 billion som and equivalent payments, repair, lease, stock and other payments are to be recovered in the coming months;

Financial errors and omissions of 2.7 billion, that were detected during the course of the preventative measures taken and carried out in 2 higher educational establishments and 10 vocational and technical schools, were sent to law enforcement agencies for inspection following the recording of criminal elements.  Legal evaluations and legal measures were carried out before sending them to the law enforcement agencies.  

 According to Salokhiddin Toshmatov, disciplinary action was taken for 161 executives and officials, and 46 have been dismissed for irregularities and financial fraud.


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