Fines are about to be increased for illegal logging
06 June 2022
3936Illegal cutting of trees, shrubs, and other plantations and seedlings, and digging underneath the tree are punishable by administrative arrest for up to 15 days. This is stated in the draft law «On amendments and additions to the code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan», which was considered at the meeting of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament).
According to it, fines for illegal felling, digging underneath them, causing damage or destruction, or the moving of trees, shrubs, and other plants and seedlings into other places are expected to be increased.
In particular, citizens will be fined from 10 to 15 times the basic calculation amount, and officials - up to 20 times.
It is also planned to impose administrative arrest for up to fifteen days for repeated offenses within one year of the imposition of an administrative penalty.
For reference: in 2019, 3,733 trees, in 2020 - 7,812, and in 2021 - 8,243 units were illegally cut.
The draft law was supported by MPs at the meeting.
Buxoroda G'ijduvon dehqon bozori yonmoqda.
14 December