A new institute was established in Namangan



Following the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 28 January 2022 «On the Strategy of Development of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026», the Namangan Institute of Textile Industry will be established in the city of Namangan.

The main objectives of the Institute were:

•    The training of highly skilled and highly educated scientific and pedagogical personnel, competitive in the textile labor market, as well as the retraining and upgrading of specialists;

•    Implementing educational programs in cooperation with leading foreign higher education organizations, including based on joint educational programs, and conducting research;

•    Strengthen the integration of education and production, establish the professional practice of students in branch organizations, organize branch departments and internship of professors and teachers;

•    The focus of the educational process on the development of students' autonomy, system analysis, creative thinking, and practical, including entrepreneurial skills;

•    Introduction into the educational process of advanced foreign experience, including modern educational technologies providing an open information and education environment;
•    Increase of scientific and pedagogical potential, including organization of internships and training of professors and teachers in prestigious domestic and foreign universities and scientific centers.

It has been determined that the educational process at the institute will be organized in cooperation with higher educational institutions of prestigious foreign countries, including based on joint educational programs.

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education in cooperation with the Agency of Educational Institutions under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Association «Uztomakmakchiliksanoat» and the Association «Cotton-textile clusters of Uzbekistan»:

a) Until the school year 2023/2024, the institute organizes the educational process based on modern educational programs, having appointed as partners higher educational institutions of foreign countries with a developed textile industry;

b) from the school year 2023/2024:

The institute takes measures to send its professors, doctoral students, and undergraduates to the leading higher educational institutions of foreign countries for scientific internship and advanced training;

The institute introduced a system of orientation and qualification practice for students at foreign and domestic large textile enterprises;

The institute has introduced a system for evaluating the performance of students and teachers based on international standards;

c) by the 2024/2025 school year will launch a park of textile technologies at the institute.  At the same time, Technopark:

will be organized with grants from international organizations and funds from potential investors attracted by the Namangan Region government, including through public-private partnerships;

The institute is established as a limited liability company and has the right to develop products and commercialize technological products;

It is financed from business income, grants, sponsorship, off-budget funds of the institute, and other sources not prohibited by law;

g) until the 2026/2027 academic year provides accreditation of at least 2 undergraduate courses and 3 majors of the institute in internationally recognized organizations.


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