Mirziyoyev visits Imam Bukhari mausoleum in Samarkand



President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari in Samarkand today, March 22, where he participated in a recitation of the Quran and offered prayers. The President’s press service reported this event.  

"Yesterday, we celebrated the holiday of Navruz with our people. Today, in the holy month of Ramadan, we stand in this sacred place. We thank the Creator for granting us peace and tranquility on these great days. May our country always be peaceful, our people prosperous, and all our good intentions come true. We are constructing this complex in a manner worthy of our grandfather Imam Bukhari. May it serve as a place of enlightenment, education, and example alongside pilgrimage," Mirziyoyev stated.  

The mausoleum of Imam Bukhari is revered throughout the Islamic world. At the President’s initiative, a new complex is being constructed to accommodate thousands of pilgrims. Spanning 44 hectares, the complex now includes a grand mausoleum and a mosque capable of hosting 10,000 worshippers. Four minarets, each standing 75 meters tall, further enhance the site's grandeur. Additional structures such as a museum, verandas, and administrative and service buildings have also been completed.  

Finishing work is currently underway, incorporating national architectural traditions and warm color tones. Hadiths from "Sahih Bukhari" will be inscribed on the walls of the verandas.  

Beyond the complex itself, the surrounding area will feature more than 20 hotels with a total capacity of 2,000 beds, landscaped alleys, and four ablution facilities to accommodate visitors. 

This year, Uzbekistan will commemorate the 1155th anniversary of Imam Abu Mansur Maturidi. A presidential decree outlines the reconstruction and enhancement of his complex in Samarkand, known as the Sultan of Islamic Studies Complex.  

During his visit, President Mirziyoyev was presented with plans for the project, which includes a mosque and an administrative building for 1,500 people, as well as a library, conference hall, innovative museum, and specialized study rooms. A parking area for pilgrims and additional ablution facilities will also be constructed.  

Imam Maturidi lived during a time of deep theological divisions in the Islamic world and dedicated his life to defending the Islamic faith and promoting enlightenment. His works, "Ta'wilatul Qur'an" and "Kitab at-Tawhid", laid the intellectual foundations of Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, emphasizing principles of tolerance and moderation.  

The President stressed the contemporary relevance of these principles and instructed that Maturidi’s legacy be further studied and promoted worldwide. He also called for enhanced facilities at the complex to accommodate visitors.  

Another major project involves improving the shrine of Mahdumi Azam in the Akdarya district. Born in present-day Kosonsoy, the renowned Sufi scholar was a prominent figure in the Naqshbandi tradition. After extensive travels in pursuit of religious and scholarly knowledge, he settled in Samarkand, where his shrine now attracts many pilgrims.  

To enhance visitor conditions, a three-story parking facility and additional amenities will be built near the mausoleum.  

Furthermore, the shrines of other scholars, thinkers, and revered saints from the historic land of Samarkand will be gradually restored and beautified as part of a broader initiative to preserve Uzbekistan’s rich Islamic heritage.


Shavkat Mirziyoev Samarqand Imom Buxoriy

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