National Investment Fund will be established



The National Investment Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be established following the decision made by the President on August 27.

The main tasks of the fund are defined as follows:

- Increasing the market value of the fund's net assets.
- Placing the fund's shares on leading foreign stock exchanges.
- Attracting leading international institutional investors to bring investments into the fund's assets and to participate in their privatization processes.
- Implementing the corporate governance standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, transitioning to international financial reporting standards, and participating in the introduction of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) standards within the fund's investment assets.

The list of enterprises and commercial banks whose state shares will be transferred to form the authorized capital of the fund has been approved.

The fund will be organized as a joint-stock company, with its sole shareholder being the Ministry of Economy and Finance until the public placement of its shares.

At least 50% of the net profit from the fund's investment assets will be directed towards paying dividends at the end of each respective year, until 2030.


jamg'arma investitsiya

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