A procedure for the confiscation of inherited lands is established



Today 28 May, at the 26th plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) the Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of procedures for the withdrawal of land for public use in exchange for compensation" has been adopted.

The law provides relevant amendments and additions to the codes of civil, land, urban planning, budget and the law “On State Land Cadastre”, “On Local State Authority”, “On Appraisal Activities”, “Privatization of Non-Agricultural Land Plots” and other similar laws.

In accordance with the subject matter of amendments to the above-mentioned laws, plots of land owned by natural and legal persons, based on the right of inheritance of lifetime and permanent possession, permanent use, temporary use, or lease can be withdrawn after full coverage of the statutory compensation for public needs.

Given that the expropriation of land in exchange for compensation for public needs is governed by a single law, which is directly issued, that disputes are prevented and that the law serves strengthen the protection of the rights of property owners, these laws have been adopted by senators.

It should be noted that the senate also approved the law «On the procedure of land expropriation for public use in exchange for compensation».  Hereinafter, Uzbekistan has clear procedures for taking land for public use.  According to this, the property rights of citizens will be guaranteed, and even those who honestly and indefinitely owned the property for 15 years without the right to owning land, will be able to receive compensation from the state for the property which is listed on the “demolition list”


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