Changes were made to the duration of service in special ranks



In Uzbekistan, changes have been implemented regarding the terms of service for special ranks. On August 21, Presidential Decree No. 296 was enacted.

According to this decree, amendments were made to the regulations governing service within the internal affairs bodies, with specific terms of service for certain ranks being defined as follows:

- "Senior Lieutenant" – 3 years;
- "Captain" – 4 years;
- "Major" – 5 years;
- "Lieutenant Colonel" – 6 years.

Furthermore, the regulation concerning service within the State Customs Service has also been amended, specifying the following terms of service for certain ranks:

- "Senior Lieutenant of the Customs Service" – 3 years;
- "Customs Service Captain" – 4 years;
- "Customs Service Major" – 5 years;
- "Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service" – 6 years.

In addition, the regulation governing the military service of citizens has been revised, establishing the following terms of service for military personnel:

- In the rank of "Senior Lieutenant" – 3 years;
- In the rank of "Captain" – 4 years;
- In the rank of "Major" – 5 years;
- In the rank of "Lieutenant Colonel" – 6 years.

Similarly, amendments were made to the regulation concerning the service of National Guard employees, with the terms of service for certain ranks being specified as follows:

- "Senior Lieutenant" – 3 years;
- "Captain" – 4 years;
- "Major" – 5 years;
- "Lieutenant Colonel" – 6 years.


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