The Cultural Heritage Agency has recently defines its main directions of activity



The Cultural Heritage Agency has recently defined its main directions of activity, as stated in the President’s decision “On measures to effectively organize state management in the field of cultural heritage within the framework of administrative reforms,” which was adopted on June 1 of this year.

The decision outlines several key aspects, including the main directions and organizational structure of the Cultural Heritage Agency’s activity, the delegation of certain functions to the private sector, and a roadmap for deepening reforms and transforming the system’s activities.

Furthermore, the decision entails the transfer of the directorate of restoration of cultural heritage objects and the design institute for the preservation of cultural heritage objects and master plans of tourism areas to the agency system. Consequently, the agency will be renamed as the cultural heritage scientific-research institute.

The main activities of the Cultural Heritage Agency, as specified in the decision, are as follows:

Implementation of a unified state policy in the field of material cultural heritage and museums, along with coordinating the activities of relevant state bodies.

Identification of material cultural heritage objects, cultural assets, museum objects, and collections. Additionally, the agency will maintain their state accounts and ensure effective state control in this domain.

Wide implementation of modern information technologies in the field of material cultural heritage and museums, while ensuring open access to information about them.

Support for the integration of our cultural heritage into the world cultural space and the promotion of their significance.

Comprehensive development of museums based on advanced foreign experiences, among other endeavors.

These measures aim to enhance the management and preservation of cultural heritage, promote accessibility and global recognition, and foster the development of museums through the utilization of modern technologies and best practices from abroad. 



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