The sentence of officials who raped orphan girls in Khorezm remains unchanged



"According to the electronic information system of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the case against Khorezm officials who committed shameful acts against the children of the orphanage was not reclassified," the report said.

Let us remind you that in Khorezm, we reported that the Head of the Department of Emergency Situations of the Yangiariq District and the Department of Justice of Khorezm regularly raped the children of the Mercy House, and the court verdict was read against them. Also, the head of the orphanage who created conditions for them was imprisoned for 5 and a half years. This case was considered in the Khiva District Court of Criminal Cases, and the verdict was announced on September 6, 2022.

According to the report, Yu.Kh., who was born in Urganch in 1979, is the head of Family Orphanage No. 1 in Urganch under the Department of Public Education of Khorezm region. He was found guilty of committing the crimes under Article 135 (trafficking in human beings), part 3, point "a", part 2, part "g" of Article 167 (embezzlement) of the Criminal Code, and part 1 of Article 209 (falsification of employment). He was sentenced to 5 years and 6 months of imprisonment and deprived of certain rights for 1 year, including the right to work in positions related to responsibility and financial responsibility in state-owned enterprises, organizations, and institutions.

A.M. was born in Nukus in 1979 and worked as the head of the Department of Justice of Khorezm region (Aybek Masharipov), and A.Q., who was born in Yangariq district in 1984, worked as the head of the emergency department of Yangariq district (Anvar Kuryazov). They were found guilty of committing the crimes provided for in Article 128 of the Criminal Code (sexual intercourse with a person under the age of sixteen) Part 1 and Article 128-1 of the old version of the Criminal Code (giving material valuables or having a property interest with a person between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, having sexual intercourse through). Each of them was sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months.

The defenders of A.M. and A.Q., as well as Yu.Kh., filed appeals in this criminal case, and according to the ruling of the appellate instance of the Khorezm regional court on criminal cases on December 27, 2022, the sentence imposed on the defendants by the verdict of the Khiva district court on criminal cases on September 6, 2022, was left unchanged.





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