Head of the kindergarten who beat employees was punished



In Andijan, the head of a kindergarten who mistreated and physically assaulted staff members has been disciplined. This information was released by the Department of Preschool and School Education of Andijan City.

The incident took place on June 19 this year at the 6th State Pre-School Education Organization in the Andijan region.

Disciplinary action was taken against the head of the preschool education organization, M.A., for violating pedagogical ethics.

Additionally, the staff of the organization was cautioned to adhere to the norms of pedagogical culture and to prevent any further incidents that could harm the reputation of the educational institution.

It is worth noting that there have been similar incidents before. In Samarkand, a kindergarten head struck a Methodist with a glass, and another kindergarten head in Andijan reportedly committed suicide.


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