More than 17,000 people who committed offenses in the field of cadastre were fined
05 August 2024
5815Administrative fines were imposed on 17,259 individuals for offenses related to cadastre activities, as reported by the Cadastre Agency.
The Cadastre Agency identified violations in 31,134 instances during control activities conducted in the first half of this year. Following the cadastral body's directives, 10,199 individuals who committed their offenses for the first time, rectified the situation by returning unlawfully occupied land and addressing the associated consequences, were exempted from administrative fines totaling 88 billion 434 million soums. However, administrative fines were still levied on 17,259 individuals who committed infractions.
Specifically, 5,783 individuals were held administratively responsible for failing to timely register their property rights, 3,959 individuals for unlawfully occupying land plots, and 6,335 individuals for conducting construction activities on unlawfully occupied land plots.
Materials concerning 1,046 individuals who looted land resources and unlawfully occupied irrigated land for construction purposes have been forwarded to the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor's office has initiated criminal proceedings based on 418 of these cases.