The number of people injured in the demonstrations in Karakalpakstan is announced
04 July 2022
16369The officials of law enforcement bodies were also injured in the riots that took place in Karakalpakstan. At the moment, there are 94 people in hospitals with various degrees of injury, including some people who are in serious condition. This is stated in a video report from the head of the Information Service under the National Guard Davron Jumanazarov on the work carried out by the commandant's department of the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan during the state of emergency.
According to Jumanazarov, on 1-2 July, as a result of riots in Karakalpakstan, 243 citizens were admitted to hospitals with various injuries. Of these, 149 of them received first aid and were allowed to continue treatment at home.
"There are currently 94 patients in hospitals, some of whom are in serious condition. Among the patients, there are officers of law enforcement bodies”, - a representative of the National Guard said.
He noted that the officer of the National Guard Security Department for the Republic of Karakalpakstan was shot in the chest. Another officer from the same department is in treatment for a fractured tibia of his left leg, a member of the Jizzakh National Guard is in treatment with a brain injury, and a sergeant-soldier of the Tashkent National Guard is also undergoing treatment for a brain injury.
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