It is planned to prohibit the privatization of parks, promenades, and alleys
26 November 2024
1734It is planned to reduce the territory of cultural recreation facilities in Uzbekistan and prohibit the construction of buildings and structures in these areas. The draft law on this matter was adopted by deputies in the first reading at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on November 26.
The draft law, developed at the initiative of the deputies, provides for the alienation of cultural recreation facilities, their lands, and buildings and structures on these lands. It also prohibits the reduction of the territory of cultural recreation facilities, the construction of buildings and structures within them (with the exception of light-duty objects), or the expansion of existing buildings and structures. Criminal liability for committing such violations is being strengthened.
In addition, the draft law includes "botanical gardens" in the list of protected natural areas. It is prohibited to alienate the "Botanical Gardens" and their lands, to construct buildings and structures on their territory, or to expand the areas under construction.
During the discussions, the deputies paid special attention to the content, significance, and necessity of the draft law, and expressed their opinions and proposals on certain provisions. Detailed answers were provided by the initiative deputies to some of the questions raised regarding the draft law.
It should be reminded that earlier the "Adolat" party proposed to prohibit the privatization of parks.