Mayor of Chirakchi who slapped a citizen was punished (video)



Fayzulla Yusupov, the mayor of Chirakchi district in the Kashkadarya region, received disciplinary punishment for slapping a citizen. This information was conveyed by Ahror Sodikov, the head of the press service of the Kashkadarya regional government.

According to Sodikov, this issue was intensely discussed at a meeting of the regional administration. As a result, District Governor F. Yusupov was disciplined for this incident and other shortcomings in his work.

"The district governor was instructed to treat every citizen with courtesy and respect, to strictly observe the rules of etiquette during communication, and was sternly warned that he would be held accountable for any such incidents in the future," the statement reads.

For context, Fayzulla Yusupov was appointed mayor of Chirakchi district in early August 2023.


Chiroqchi Fayzulla Yusupov

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