Fayzullayev already achieved European-level performance — Expert



Abbosbek Fayzullayev, a member of Uzbekistan's national team and CSKA Moscow, has achieved European-level performance. Russian football expert Yevgeny Aldonin highlighted this on his social media page.

"Fayzullayev stands out with his exceptional play and has been a revelation this season. I would also highlight Danila Kozlov from Baltika. Despite his youth, Fayzullayev is performing excellently," Aldonin stated.

The expert noted that in Europe, players in their twenties are already competing at a high level. Fayzullayev must continue his development to maintain this standard.

Previously, it was reported that Fayzullayev became the youngest player to score more than 10 points in the Russian Championship.


Abbosbek Fayzullaev Evgeniy Aldonin

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