Roads are divided into “Green”, “Yellow” and “Red” categories in Uzbekistan
05 April 2022
13570The president of the Republic of Uzbekistan has adopted a decree «On measures to ensure reliable safety of people on the roads and greatly reduce fatalities». The full text of the decision is available below.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In recent years, a great deal of organizational and practical work has been completed in our country to improve the road safety system.
However, despite the measures taken, the number of fatal accidents remains high, indicating the need for a radical reform of road safety.
In particular, it is necessary to fully adapt the road infrastructure to modern traffic safety requirements, to establish an effective system aimed at early warning of violations in this area, as well as the widespread introduction of digital technologies, excluding the human factor.
In accordance with the strategy for the development of public security in the Republic of Uzbekistan 2022-2025, and for the purpose of protecting human life and health from any accidents on the roads in the case of New Uzbekistan:
1. Determine the following as the most important areas of road safety in our country:
- improvement of infrastructure and quality of roads, creation of reliable conditions for safe movement of road users on the basis of priority «pedestrian – public transport – cycling – road transport»;
- bring the educational process to a qualitatively new level through the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in the system of training, retraining and advanced training of drivers;
- to increase the ethics of compliance by drivers and pedestrians with the rules of the road, to ensure the inevitability of penalties for any violations;
- form the foundations of the traffic laws from childhood, introduce this practice in pre-school and general education schools;
- complete digitalization of traffic organization, introduction of new management and control systems with introduction of advanced information and communication technologies.
2. In order to ensure unconditional compliance with traffic rules and prevent their violation repetitively, a penalty point system for drivers who violate the following rules will be introduced from 1 December 2022:
- separate penalty points are calculated for each traffic violation in a 12-month period;
- if the penalty points accrued exceed the determined quantity, the driver will be disqualified from driving for a certain period in accordance with the established regulation;
- drivers who have not committed a traffic offense for a certain period of time will be rewarded by reducing the later penalty points.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (P.R Bobojonov) and the Ministry of Justice (RK Davletov) within a month to submit a bill on the introduction of a penalty point system for drivers for violating the traffic code, taking into account the advanced foreign experience.
3. In order to fundamentally improve the driver training system and bring it to a qualitatively new level, the following procedure should be implemented:
- all educational institutions (hereinafter – driving schools) and examination centers providing training, retraining and advanced training of drivers, regardless of their organizational and legal form, are licensed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- development of curricula for driving schools on the basis of innovative pedagogical technologies, as well as the retraining and professional development of their teachers, drivers, and trainers on a contract basis, are carried out by the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ikramov A.I., Abdullayev B.T.):
- within one month, will review the requirements and criteria for driving schools and examination centers and introduce a draft Government Decree providing for drastic measures to improve the quality of their educational activities;
- within two months, will create all necessary educational and material basis for organization of courses of retraining and advanced training of teachers, drivers, and coaches of driving schools at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- the Minister of Internal Affairs Bobojonov P.R. will be personally responsible for the effective implementation of the new system of driving schools and examination centers, as well as for the organization of the quality training of drivers.
4. It ought to be instituted that:
a) The chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the governors of the city of Tashkent and the regions will be personally responsible for the transfer of road crossings in the cities of Nukus and Tashkent and regional centers to a fully digitalized system of control;
b) Internal regulation of traffic by the installation of road signs, indicators and traffic lights in the cities of Nukus and Tashkent, regions, districts (cities), road lines, signs of pedestrian crossings are the responsibility of the Internal Affairs Department for road safety of the Unit (hereinafter referred to as Road Safety Units);
v) The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Tashkent City and Regional authorities together with the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications (SH. Shermatov), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (PR. Bobojonov) within two months, including public-private partnerships, will make organizational arrangements for the implementation of digital management systems at intersections in the following periods:
Until the end of 2023 at all intersections of the capital, as well as at major intersections of the city of Nukus and regional centers;
Until the end of 2024 at all crossings of Nukus and district centers;
g) district (urban) authorities will have the right to install special, automated, photo-video software on the roads of their territories and will have the technical means of recording violations of traffic rules. 30% of the fines imposed for violations recorded with the help of this hardware/software will be transferred directly to the local budget of the district (city) and these funds will be used for the digitalization of traffic system, the development of road infrastructure, as well as hiring additional staff to the traffic police.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (B.T.Abdullayev) together with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, authorities of the city of Tashkent and provinces within a month on the basis of an analysis of road and pedestrian traffic, will launch a targeted program to install pedestrian traffic lights at pedestrian crossings by the end of 2023 and will provide full implementation.
5. To approve the following proposals of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs:
Transfer the special operational and installation units of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, and the regional authorities, also the Traffic Control Center of the Tashkent city governance (hereinafter – operational and installation units) in two months to traffic safety departments;
To authorize the Minister of the Internal Affairs to employ qualified foreign specialists as consultants on a contractual basis with extra-budgetary funds for road safety authorities;
To establish the production of technical means of organization of traffic on the state unitary enterprise «Uzavtotobelgi» and to create a competitive environment in this sphere;
The establishment of the Road Infrastructure Control Department within the Road Traffic Safety Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Departments for the control of road infrastructure in the structures of regional traffic safety administrations at the expense of limited State units of internal affairs bodies.
6. In case of the transfer of operational and installation units of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent city and regional authorities to the structure of traffic safety departments:
- will take measures to provide buildings and structures of operational and installation units, adjacent areas and material and technical bases, including the provision of new modern specialized equipment;
- ensure that existing accounts payable and accounts receivable from the maintenance and installation units are cleared, and that obsolete equipment is written off.
Ministry of Internal Affairs (B.T. Abdullayev):
must submit to the Cabinet of Ministers, within two months, a draft Government resolution regulating the activities of the Maintenance and Installation Departments;
Organize the receipt of operational and installation units with provision of appropriate buildings and structures, adjacent areas, necessary material and technical base;
within three months, must critically review the activities of the operational and installation units, introduce new working methods, fully install the technical means of movement organization and ensure their uninterrupted operation.
Ministry of Finance (T.A. Ishmetov) within one month:
In conjunction with the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, ensure that the posts of the chiefs of the Operational and Assembly Units and one of their deputies change officer positions at the expense of existing state units;
In accordance with this decision, appropriate changes should be made to the cost estimates of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the authorities of the city of Tashkent and the regions and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
7. From 5 April 2022, the Republican Fund (hereinafter – Fund) «Safe Roads and Safe Pedestrians» is charged with creating the Traffic Safety Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs without the formation of a legal entity.
The sources of funding for the Fund should include:
- fines, fees and charges for traffic management in the amounts specified in annex 1;
- funds provided for special program-based activities in annual budget parameters for maintenance and installation units;
Income from the placement of temporarily vacant funds of the Fund in deposit accounts with commercial banks;
- grants from State, foreign and international organizations;
- sponsorship and charitable funds of individuals and legal entities;
- credits from international financial institutions and banks;
- other sources not prohibited by law.
It should be determined that the Fund finance will be used only for the following purposes:
- purchase of traffic engineering equipment, spare parts, construction, and installation materials and special paints for installation;
- complete the painting of street lines in the city streets and other settlements, financing the installation, replacement, storage, dismantling and maintenance of traffic management equipment;
- strengthening the material and technical base of the operational and installation units, including the provision of modern specialized equipment, the addition of further personnel for a specific period depending on the scope of work, the hiring of specialists on a contractual basis, the introduction of a system of monthly and one-time incentives for their employees and workers;
- A study of world best practices in road safety, financing of road infrastructure development projects;
- material and technical support and the creation of material-technical and training base, as well as the financing of the installation of road signs and the application of road lines at the sites of practical training for children traffic rules in neighborhoods.
8. In order to increase the effectiveness of activities in the field of organization, management and safety of traffic on roads, the Republican Special Commission for Road Traffic Safety and its territorial special commissions (hereinafter referred to as special commissions) and in accordance with 2nd and 3rd annexes.
The special commissions should have the following main tasks:
- reliable protection of life and health of citizens in the field of road traffic safety, ensuring full compliance of road infrastructure with safety requirements;
- regularly assess the state of effective traffic management in the regions, monitor the effective functioning of State bodies and local governments in this area;
- establish a system for the preparation of scientifically based proposals for the prevention of accidents by means of an in-depth study of the causes of accidents and the approval of a list of dangerous road sections;
- introduction of modern information technology in the field of road safety, identification of measures to promote automated management systems that exclude the human factor and corruption;
- organize and coordinate the development of projects of programs to improve road infrastructure in the regions, and reduce the number of road accidents.
the regulations of the Republican Special Commission for Road Traffic Safety must be approved in accordance with annex 4.
Republican Special Commission (A.N. Aripov):
will approve, within one month, the model statute of the territorial special commissions, under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the governors of the city of Tashkent and the regions;
will discuss critically on a quarterly basis the work carried out by state and local authorities in the field of road safety, the existing shortcomings and ensure that appropriate measures are taken;
will annually approve and implement «road maps» of local governments, including targeted measures to improve road infrastructure and drastically reduce road accidents in their territories, keep under strict control.
9. A procedure must be established to which:
- the Road Traffic Safety Departments are considered as the working bodies of special commissions;
- working bodies regularly review the work of relevant state road safety bodies and prepare documents for discussion at meetings of special commissions;
- on a monthly basis, special territorial commissions conduct a critical audit of the activities of heads of bodies responsible for road, transport and road safety on the basis of an analysis of the state of roads and existing infrastructure, hotspots, violations, and the Republic of Karakalpakstan, MPs will submit to the regional and Tashkent city councils of people’s MPs for discussion and report on the results to the special commission of the republic.
10. In order to assess the state of efficient traffic organization in the regions and to strengthen the responsibility of local governments in this regard, the index «Safe Road» (further – a pointer) must be introduced from 1 July 2022 in all districts (cities) of the country.
It should be noted:
-compliance with road infrastructure and traffic rules in the index will be assessed by special commissions at the end of each quarter against 29 indicators in accordance with Annex 5;
- districts (cities) are divided into «green», «yellow» and «red» categories based on the road safety index;
the maintenance of the index is the responsibility of the road safety authorities.
The Cabinet of Ministers (Aripov A.N.) are tasked to ensure the development and approval of the methodology of the index in two months with the involvement of leading scientific organizations, scientists, and specialists.
11. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (Bobojonov P.R.) in cooperation with interested ministries and departments is applied:
a) to organize complex propaganda under the slogans «Life is more important than speed» and «Safety belt – the key to life» in order to ensure road safety and prevent accidents at an early stage;
(b) within a month, to submit a draft decision of the Government aimed at strengthening the dissemination of the rules of the road among pupils, with the following provisions:
Under the motto «Discipline of traffic begins in childhood» teaching preschoolers and schoolchildren the basics of road safety on roads, crossroads and pedestrian crossings, to instill in them from childhood comprehensive traffic and road safety education;
Creation of «Traffic Safety Classes» in schools, «Traffic Education Platforms» in neighborhoods;
v) within two months, proposals for amendments and additions to the legislation arising from this resolution must be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers.
12. Certain decisions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan should be amended and supplemented in accordance with annex 6.
13. The Minister of Internal Affairs Bobojonov P.R., Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, governors of the city of Tashkent and districts will be responsible for the effective organization of the implementation of this decree.
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A.N. Aripov, and the adviser to the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, B.D. Islamov, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the decree.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Tashkent, April 4, 2022.