Hereinafter journalists control the activities of internal affairs bodies
24 January 2023
10191The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 20 January 2023, "On additional measures to transform internal affairs bodies into a pro-people professional structure and direct them to work in closer cooperation with the population" was signed.
According to the decision, public councils consisting of scientists, veterans, and journalists will be formed to create a system of public control over the activities of internal affairs bodies. It is a consultative body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its regional divisions, which operates on a public basis.
The main tasks of public councils are:
- Implementation of public control over compliance with the requirements of legal documents in the activities of internal affairs bodies, the study of social opinion in the field, and systematic monitoring;
- To take measures to ensure that social opinion and the interests of society are taken into account during the development of draft legislative documents regulating the activities of internal affairs bodies;
- To study in detail the messages published on the internet and social networks regarding the cases of corruption in the activities of the internal affairs bodies and to communicate its results to the general public.
Samarqand shahrida metro quriladi.
14 January
Dollar kursi pastladi.
14 January