Individuals who were engaged in prostitution are hereinafter required to be screened for certain types of hepatitis
17 May 2022
9992From 1 September 2022, individuals who were engaged in prostitution will undergo compulsory screening for some types of hepatitis. This is stated in the decision of the president of Uzbekistan of 16 May «On the improvement of measures to combat the spread of some acute viral infections».
According to the decision, a single electronic register of chronic viral liver diseases will be developed by 1 November 2022.
Since 1 July of the current year:
• The annual number of screening tests for hepatitis B and C will be increased up to 1 million, the number of PCR tests up to 15 thousand, the treatment of patients with viral hepatitis C up to 10.5 thousand;
• Funds will be allocated annually on a competitive basis for projects aimed at a scientific solution to the problem of widespread viral infections;
• The blood plasma bank for the patients of Crimea-Congo haemorrhagic fever will be created in the Research Institute of Virology and specialized institutions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Navoi, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Jizzakh and Syrdarya regions (oblasts);
• Employees of non-state health organizations working with blood and its components will be vaccinated against hepatitis B.
In addition, from 1 September 2022, the liability for the persons who are engaged in prostitution (Art. 190 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility,) will be imposed, and a procedure for examining them for hepatitis B and C at their own expense will be introduced.
Also, according to the epidemiological instructions for 2022-2023, 119,016 employees of healthcare system will be vaccinated against hepatitis B. Currently, in 2022, 47,605 of medical personnel will be vaccinated against hepatitis B.
From 1 January 2024, staff of non-state health organizations working with blood and its components will be required to have been vaccinated against hepatitis B and to run a registry.