Causes of emergency electricity supply shutdowns were identified



An investigation into the factors leading to emergency electricity supply shutdowns revealed that overheating of electrical devices in 112 substations was a significant issue, occurring in 356 cases. This information was provided by "Ozenergoinspektsia."

The agency reported that ongoing monitoring activities are being conducted to ensure the technical operation of electrical devices and prepare for the autumn-winter season at energy facilities. 

Specifically, thermal imaging inspections are being carried out to assess heat generation in the contacts and bolted joints of substations and transformer points across various regions. Delays in taking timely action to identify and rectify overheating in contact junctions by responsible personnel have resulted in situations that cause emergency shutdowns and damage to equipment. This, in turn, leads to legitimate complaints from consumers whose power supply is disrupted.

The inspectorate has issued reports detailing the findings from these studies and provided relevant instructions to the system enterprises, with ongoing monitoring of their implementation.

Additionally, it is worth noting that "Territorial Electric Networks" JSC previously addressed concerns regarding unjustified debts related to electricity. The company stated that a new software complex, "Het Billing," was established in August of this year. However, inaccuracies arose in some consumers' accounts during the transition of archival data from the old system to the new one.


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