Dollar rises again
18 November
9587The Central Bank of Uzbekistan has updated the official exchange rates of foreign currencies against the Uzbek sum, effective November 19.
The US dollar's official rate has increased by 12.71 sums, reaching 12,825.01 sums.
The euro has also risen by 19.84 sums, now standing at 13,552.19 sums.
Similarly, the Russian ruble has gained 0.25 sums, with the new rate set at 128.62 sums.
Buyuk Britaniyada XV-asrda yashagan Angliya qiroli Richard III ning qayta tiklangan obrazi yaratildi.
18 November
Ombudsman lavozimiga surunkasiga ikki muddatdan ortiq saylanishi mumkin emasligi belgilandi.
18 November
Biz Isroilni BMTdan chiqarib yuborish uchun birlashishimiz kerak – Malayziya Bosh vaziri.
18 November