Taraweeh prayer will be performed in mosques of the republic from today



Today, 22 March, Taraweh prayer will begin in mosques in Uzbekistan.  This was reported by the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan.

Taroveh prayer time starts at 20:45 p.m. in Tashkent city mosques.

Based on the differences in prayer times in the regions, it is recommended to set taraweh prayer in mosques in relation to this time.

It should be recalled that yesterday, on 21 March, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the decision “On celebrating the holy month of Ramadan in a dignified manner.”  According to him, the information of the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan that the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan in 2023 will fall on the 23rd of March and it was accepted for information.



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