A business ombudsman was involved in the initiation of cases against more than 2,100 officials



In 2022, there were 20,928 cases of law violations detected in the field of entrepreneurship, and administrative responsibility which were applied to 2,126 officials.

Jamshid Hasanov, the advisor on Information Policy of the Business Ombudsman under the President, informed QALAMPIR.UZ about this.

It is noted that a total of 9,850 appeals were received from business entities to the Business Ombudsman, and in 4,319 cases (48 percent) the entrepreneur's rights were restored, and a legal explanation was provided for the rest of the appeals.

When the received appeals are analyzed according to their characteristics:

• 18 percent tax;
• 14 percent land, cadastre, and architecture;
• 14 percent bank credit;
• 9 percent infrastructure;
• 6 percent corresponded to appeals in court and other issues.

In connection with 20,928 cases of law violations committed against entrepreneurs, 2,591 measures of influence were applied, of which reports on administrative violations were drawn up against 2,126 officials and responsible persons.  They were fined 5.1 billion soms.

Cases related to administrative offenses:

• 797 violations of legal documents on appeals of individuals and legal entities;
• Inspection of the activities of 675 business entities;
• 414 violations of legal documents in the field of public services;
• 240 correspond to other offenses.

The number of administrative offenses detected and treated was 243 in the Namangan region, 205 in the Samarkand region, 189 in Tashkent city, and 183 in the Kashkadarya region.

This indicator corresponded to 321 in the sanitary-epidemiological peace and public health service system, 250 in the tax authorities, 194 in the system of the Ministry of Construction, and 179 in the system of the control inspection over the Agro-industrial complex.

At the same time, claims of 51.3 billion soms were filed in the interests of entrepreneurs.

As a result of the actions taken, 198 illegal decisions and documents were cancelled and 123 responsible persons were brought to disciplinary action.  Entrepreneurs' property rights to 436 hectares of land were restored.



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