Governors' decision does not matter for those who acquired land in the auction
28 May 2022
17929The approval of the local governor (khokim) is no longer required for the individuals who have obtained the right to lease agricultural land through open electronic competition. It was stated today 28 May, at the 26th plenary session of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) on the Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of the system of ensuring equality and transparency in land relations, reliable protection of land rights and their transformation into market assets"
It is known that land is given through an electronic online auction only on the terms of the lease. Hereinafter, in accordance with the amendments to the Land Code by this law, those who achieved the right to lease agricultural land through an open electronic competition, do not need to get the approval of the governor (khokim) of the region.
The Cadastral Agency under the State Tax Committee is also responsible for the timely identification and implementation of measures for the aimless use of land plots.
“In turn, these measures will be carried out in accordance with the legislation. In particular, according to an additional norm of the Land Code, in the case of defining the misuse of land by the cadastral agencies, they will file a lawsuit to revoke the right to these land plots”, - the Information Service of the senate reports.
In addition, the law provides several guarantees for certain groups of the population in need of social protection. In particular, the cost of acquiring land for persons with disabilities and their families through electronic online auctions is covered by the state budget.
The law amends more than 20 existing laws, including four codes.
Senators approved the law in order to eliminate various misunderstandings in practice, realizing the need for the law in public life.