“We are not afraid of tough questions.” The Ministry of Construction responds to QALAMPIR.UZ's exclusion from AOKA



The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Economy responded to the exclusion of a QALAMPIR.UZ journalist from the press conference held at the Information and Mass Communications Agency (AOKA) on September 9.

The Ministry clarified that the list of journalists attending the conference, organized in collaboration with AOKA, was not prepared by the Ministry itself.

As previously reported, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Economy held a meeting on the topic "Preparing Multi-Apartment Houses for the Autumn-Winter Season" at the Information and Mass Communications Agency.

"The announcement regarding this event was made on the official channels of the Ministry on August 8, where all media representatives, bloggers, and public activists were invited," the Ministry stated.

It was also mentioned that more than 10 media representatives attended the conference, with most managing to get their questions answered by officials.

"It should be noted that the press conference involved in-depth analysis of critical issues and heated discussions. Therefore, the suggestion that the Ministry was 'afraid of tough questions' is unfounded. Ministry officials are always open to engaging with journalists, bloggers, and the general public and greatly value this cooperation," the Ministry’s information service emphasized.

We remind you that on September 9, a video titled "Is AOKA Trying to Stifle Press Freedom?" was published, in which it was revealed that QALAMPIR.UZ's editorial team was removed from the list of journalists invited to the press conference.

AOKA has yet to comment on the situation.


#qurilish vazirligi #AOKA #matbuot anjumani

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