Do not over-politicize 9 May – The “Yuksalish” nationwide movement made a statement



The 9 May is celebrated in Uzbekistan as the Day of Memory and Honor.  Every year in early May, various official and unofficial media outlets try to politicize the day.  The nationwide movement «Yuksalish» (progress) made a statement on this occasion.

“We think, it is important that the international community understand the deep values of 9 May for Uzbekistan.

First, on this day, we remember more than half a million Uzbeks who passed away in the most terrible and bloody World War II.

Secondly, 9 May is a day of understanding and appreciation of the courage of more than 1.5 million of our compatriots who took part in the war zones and the tolerance of our people, who took about 1 million families and children, evacuated from the front line to Uzbekistan.

Thirdly, on this day, we remember all our ancestors who gave their lives for the peace and prosperity of our homeland before and after the World War.  Those who are alive are respected and supported.

In short, 9 May is not only a day of victory over fascism, but also a day of summing up the great tragedies that our people experienced in times of war and peace, a day of gratitude for peace, value attached in the consciousness of our society, "-the statement says.

Therefore, «Yuksalish» movement emphasizes that the most correct and acceptable way to celebrate 9 May is not to politicize it, not to succumb to modeling, but to celebrate it calmly and based on the social values.


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