120 migrants were deported from Russia



Following a raid in the Moscow region, 120 migrants from CIS countries and Africa will be expelled from the Russian Federation. This was reported on August 30 by the press service of the Moscow Region General Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

It was noted that violations of migration laws were discovered during an inspection of a police warehouse complex in the city of Pushkino, near Moscow.

Employees of the "Pushkinskoe" migration department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, supported by the Russian Guard, inspected the warehouse, which housed immigrants from CIS countries and Africa, as part of efforts to identify and stop illegal migration.

During the raid, administrative reports were filed against 120 foreign citizens for violating the regulations of their stay in Russia. Among them, 19 migrants were held accountable for illegal employment, and another was charged with evading the execution of an administrative sentence.

"Each foreign citizen was fined five thousand rubles and will be deported from Russia. Thirty-one migrants were placed in a specialized institution until the court's decision is executed," stated the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At present, additional measures are being taken by the internal affairs bodies to identify and apprehend the organizers of illegal migration.

For context, on August 8 of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law introducing a new migration and deportation regime for illegal migrants in the country. The law provides for the creation of a register of monitored individuals. Before deportation, a foreign citizen or stateless person is placed in a special institution. The monitoring ceases once the individual leaves the country.


migrant deportatsiya

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