It was announced in which regions it will rain at the beginning of the week



Uzhydromet announced the weather forecast for September 16-18.

- Khorezm and Karakalpakstan: Slightly cloudy with no precipitation. Wind from the east at 9-14 m/s. Temps: 8-13°C at night, 23-28°C during the day.

- Bukhara and Navoi: Slightly cloudy. Short-term rain is possible on September 16, with no precipitation on September 17-18. Wind from the east at 7-12 m/s, increasing to 13-18 m/s on September 16. Temps: 12-17°C at night (16th), 10-15°C (17-18), 25-30°C during the day.

- Tashkent, Syrdarya, Jizzakh, and Samarkand: Slightly cloudy. Short-term rain on September 16, with no precipitation on 17-18. Wind from the west at 7-12 m/s, increasing to 13-18 m/s on September 16. Temps: 12-17°C at night (16th), 10-15°C (17-18), 25-32°C during the day.

- Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya: Slightly cloudy. Short-term rain in some parts of Kashkadarya on September 16. Wind from the west at 7-12 m/s, increasing to 13-18 m/s on September 16. Temps: 12-17°C at night, 27-32°C during the day.

- Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana: Slightly cloudy with no precipitation. Wind from the west at 5-10 m/s. Temps: 10-15°C at night (16th), 25-30°C (17-18), 27-32°C during the day.

- Foothills and Mountains: Slightly cloudy with short-term rain on September 16-17, possibly turning to snow in high mountains. Wind from the west at 7-12 m/s, increasing to 13-18 m/s on September 16. Temps: 9-14°C at night (16-17), 6-11°C (18), 18-23°C during the day (16th and 18th), 12-17°C (17).


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