Weather forecast for December 1 to 3
30 November 2024
6499Uzhydromet has issued the weather forecast for December 1-3.
In the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region, the weather will be partly cloudy with no precipitation expected. Fog may appear in some areas. The wind will blow from the east at a speed of 7-12 m/s. On December 1, temperatures will range from 2°C colder to 3°C warmer at night and 0-5°C during the day. On December 2-3, temperatures will drop to 3-8°C at night and vary between 2°C colder and 3°C warmer during the day.
The Khorezm region will see similar weather conditions, with no precipitation anticipated. Fog may occur in some areas, and the wind will come from the east at 7-12 m/s. Night temperatures on December 1 will range from 2°C colder to 3°C warmer, while December 2-3 will experience 0-5°C at night and 1-6°C during the day.
In the Bukhara and Navoi regions, the weather will be slightly cloudy with rain expected in some places on December 1, which could turn into snow in certain areas. No precipitation is forecasted for December 2-3. Fog may form in some areas, and the wind will shift from the west to the east at 7-12 m/s. On December 1, temperatures will be 0-5°C at night and 3-8°C during the day, with some places reaching up to 2°C at night. On December 2-3, nighttime temperatures will range from 0-5°C, and daytime temperatures from 3-8°C, with the north of the Navoi region experiencing 2°C at night and 2-7°C during the day on December 1.
In Tashkent, Syrdarya, Samarkand, and Jizzakh regions, the weather will be slightly cloudy. Rain is expected in some areas on December 1, possibly turning into snow, but no precipitation is expected on December 2-3. Fog may occur in some places, and the wind will shift from the west to the east at 7-12 m/s. Temperatures on December 1 will be 3-8°C at night and during the day. On December 2-3, night temperatures will range from 3°C below zero to 2°C, and daytime temperatures will be 3-8°C.
Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions will see slightly cloudy weather, with rain and snow possible in some areas on December 1. No precipitation is expected on December 2-3. Fog may form in some places, and the wind will shift from the west to the east at 7-12 m/s. Night temperatures on December 1 will be between 2-7°C, with daytime temperatures ranging from 7-12°C. On December 2-3, nighttime temperatures will range from 0-5°C, with some places reaching up to 2°C below zero, and daytime temperatures will be 5-10°C.
In the Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana regions, the weather will be slightly cloudy. Rain and snow are expected in some areas on December 1, but no precipitation is forecasted for December 2-3. Fog may appear in some places, and the wind will shift from the west to the east at 7-12 m/s. Night temperatures on December 1 will be 2-7°C, and daytime temperatures will be 2-7°C warmer. On December 2-3, night temperatures will range from 3°C colder to 2°C warmer, and daytime temperatures will be 3-8°C.
In the foothills and mountainous regions of the republic, the weather will be slightly cloudy with rain and snow possible in some areas on December 1-2. No precipitation is expected on December 3. Fog may form in some areas, and the wind will shift from the west to the east at 7-12 m/s. Night temperatures on December 1 will be between 3°C colder and 2°C warmer, and daytime temperatures will be 0-5°C. On December 2-3, nighttime temperatures will range from 3-8°C colder, and daytime temperatures will vary between 3°C colder and 2°C warmer.