Putin Rossiyasining Ukrainaga bostirib kirganiga bir oy to‘ldi (fotoreportaj)



Bugun, 24 mart kuni Rossiya Qurolli kuchlari harbiy operatsiya o‘tkazish shiori bilan Ukrainaga bostirib kirganiga roppa-rossa bir oy bo‘ldi. 24 fevral kuni Rossiya Prezidenti Vladimir Putin Ukraina sharqida Donbassda rus harbiylari "maxsus harbiy operatsiya" boshlaganini e’lon qildi va rus qo‘shinlari Ukrainaga hujum boshladi.

Rescuers work at a site of an industrial building damaged by an airstrike in Kyiv, March 22.  State Emergency Service of Ukraine/via REUTERS

G‘arb mamlakatlari Ukrainada boshlangan urushga javoban Rossiyani har tomondan siquvga olib, og‘ir sanksiyalarni qo‘llay boshladi. Rubl kursi quladi, Rossiya banklari SWIFT xalqaro banklararo tizimidan uzildi. Markaziy bankning xorijdagi oltin-valyuta zaxiralari bloklandi. Millarderlarning ham chet eldagi ko‘plab hisoblari muzlatildi.

Petrol station worker, Tamara Kravchuk, 37, holds her newborn baby, whose name will be Katya, after a bomb hit a building in the psychiatric hospital, only a few buildings down from the maternity hospital, in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, March 22.   REUTERS/Nacho Doce

Yevropa davlatlari, AQSH, Kanada Rossiya uchun o‘z havo hududini yopdi. Bu sanksiyalarga neytral davlat hisoblangan Shveysariya ham qo‘shildi. Urush fonida Ukrainani Yevropa Ittifoqi a’zoligiga qabul qilish jarayoni tezlashdi.

Women from Kharkiv are reunited with their friend from Chernihiv in Ukraine after fleeing to Romania, at the border crossing in Siret, Romania, March 22. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

Barchaga ma’lumki, urush qurbonsiz bo‘lmaydi. Har ikki tomondan ham qurbonlar bor, ammo Ukraina tarafda ko‘proq. Xususan, Rossiya Qurolli kuchlari tomonidan Ukrainadagi 64 ta sog‘liqni saqlash muassasalariga hujum uyushtirilgan. Oqibatda 15 kishi halok bo‘lgan, 37 kishi yaralangan. 10 millionga yaqin odam o‘z uyini tashlab, boshqa shaharlarda qo‘nim topgan, ichki migratsiyaga uchragan har uchinchi kishi surunkali kasallikka chalingan.

Children rest inside an evacuee bus after they fled from Mariupol, in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, March 22.   REUTERS/Stringer

BMT ma’lumotlariga ko‘ra, Ukrainada urush boshlangan 24 fevraldan buyon mamlakat tark etayotganlar bir oy o‘tib 3,5 millionga yetgan. 

A service member of pro-Russian troops checks weapons inside a building, which according to the military, was previously a fighting position of Ukrainian armed forces, in the town of Marinka, in the Donetsk Region of Ukraine, March 22.    REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

Hisobotga ko‘ra, 3 million 557 ming 245 nafar ukrainalik qo‘shni davlatlarga ko‘chib ketishga majbur bo‘lgan. Ularning yarmidan ko‘pi Polshaga qochgan.

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB    A worker carries the body of a civilian at a morgue in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, March 21. REUTERS/Nacho Doce

Shunday qilib, 2 113 554 ukrainaliklar Polsha, 543 308 Ruminiya, 367 913 Moldova, 317 863 Vengriya, 253 592 Slovakiya, 252 376 Rossiya va 4308 boshqa Yevropa davlatlariga va Belarusdan boshpana topgan.

Tetiana Chornovol, former member of the Ukrainian Parliament, now a service member and operator of an anti-tank guided missile weapon system, pulls an anti-tank missile out of a car at a position on the front line in the Kyiv region, Ukraine, March 20. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Firefighters work at the site of a bombing at a shopping center in Kyiv, Ukraine March 21. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

A Ukrainian service member repairs a military vehicle at a position on the front line in the east Kyiv region, Ukraine March 20. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Bogdan, a wounded man who says he was injured from shelling, smokes in front of a hospital in the town of Brovary, near Kyiv, Ukraine, March 19. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

Local residents walk near residential buildings which were damaged in the besieged southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, March 18.    REUTERS/Stringer

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB. A view shows the body of a person killed in the besieged southern port of Mariupol, Ukraine March 20. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB    Bodies of unidentified people who were killed and were picked up by a volunteer from Hostomel are pictured at a crematorium in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 20. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

A rescuer walks through debris at the site of a bombing at a shopping center in Kyiv, Ukraine March 21. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

A rescuer reacts inside a damaged shopping mall in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 21.    State Emergency Service of Ukraine/via REUTERS

Egor, 5, comforts his mother Helen Yakubets who cries in a ballroom, which has been converted to a temporary shelter, at the Mandachi hotel after fleeing from Chernihiv in Ukraine to Romania, at the border crossing in Suceava, Romania, March 20. Her 18 year old son and husband remain in Ukraine to fight. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB    A priest blesses the bodies of unidentified people who were killed at a crematorium in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 20. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

A Ukrainian flag waves in front of a damaged building hit in a military strike, in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, March 21. REUTERS/Nacho Doce

Alexis Antilla, a member of a group of U.S. volunteer fighters who have taken up arms alongside Ukrainian soldiers, sits in a wheelchair in front of a hospital in the town of Brovary, near Kyiv, Ukraine, March 20. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB   The body of a person killed lies on the ground in the besieged southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine March 18. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

A view shows service members of pro-Russian troops and tanks on the outskirts of the besieged southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, March 20. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB. A view shows the body of a person killed in the besieged southern port of Mariupol, Ukraine March 20. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

A rescuer works next to a warehouse of goods damaged by shelling, in Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine,  March 21.    State Emergency Service of Ukraine/via REUTERS

SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB    Dead bodies lie on the ground at the site of a bombing at a shopping center in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 21. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

A dog walks at the site of a bombing at a shopping center in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 21.  REUTERS/Thomas Peter

В Донецке чтят память 20 мирных жителей, погибших 15 martа в резульtaте обстрела украинскoy армии

В Донецке чтят память 20 мирных жителей, погибших 15 martа в резульtaте обстрела украинскoy армии

В Донецке чтят память 20 мирных жителей, погибших 15 martа в резульtaте обстрела украинскoy армии

В Донецке чтят память 20 мирных жителей, погибших 15 martа в резульtaте обстрела украинскoy армии

В Киеве в резульtaте взрыva артиллерийского снаряда пострадало 16-эtaжное жилое здание.

В Киеве в резульtaте взрыva артиллерийского снаряда пострадало 16-эtaжное жилое здание.

В Киеве в резульtaте взрыva артиллерийского снаряда пострадало 16-эtaжное жилое здание.

В Киеве в резульtaте взрыva артиллерийского снаряда пострадало 16-эtaжное жилое здание.

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