Winners of the 2025 Zulfiya State award revealed



The list of recipients of the Zulfiya State Award for 2025 has been published. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the decree confirming the award winners.

According to the decree, the recipients of the Zulfiya State Award will be presented with diplomas and breastplates at the celebration events dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8.

In addition, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan will ensure that each awardee receives a monetary prize equivalent to 50 times the base calculation amount.

The implementation of this decree will be overseen by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov and Presidential Advisor Gofurjon Mirzayev.

List of Zulfiya State Award Recipients:

  1. Turemuratova Biybinaz Kenesbay kizi - 1st-year master's student in computer engineering at the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (Karakalpakstan)
  2. Ibragimova Shaxzoda Alisher kizi - Artistic gymnastics coach at the School of Olympic and National Sports in Nukus (Karakalpakstan)
  3. Sotvoldieva MoKhinur Khazratullo kizi - Doctoral candidate in literary theory at the Uzbekistan State World Languages University (Andijan region)
  4. Usmonova Dilshoda Egamberdi kizi - 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Physical Culture at Andijan State Pedagogical Institute
  5. Rukhillaeva Nilufar Shukrullo kizi - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Foreign Philology at the National University of Uzbekistan (Bukhara region)
  6. Bahronova Dilshoda Tohirovna - 6th-year student of the Faculty of Medicine at Bukhara State Medical Institute
  7. Ortikova Ezoza Nodir kizi - 1st-year master's student in international economics and management at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Jizzakh region)
  8. Abdurazokova Mehribon Jaloliddin kizi - Piano teacher at the 8th Children's Music and Art School in Sharof Rashidov district (Jizzakh region)
  9. Sheralieva Jasmina Erkin kizi - 1st-year student of the Faculty of Art History at Gulistan State University (Kashkadarya region)
  10. Mahammadrizoeva Madinabonu Mahammadriza kizi - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Agriculture at the International Agriculture University (Kashkadarya region)
  11. Yuldosheva Ummatoy Tulkinovna - 1st-year master's student in industrial management at "Yangi Uzbekistan" University (Navoi region)
  12. Abdullaeva Saida Ravshan kizi - 1st-year student of the Faculty of Medicine at Tashkent Medical Academy (Navoi region)
  13. Olimjonova Aqidakhon Anvarjon kizi - 11th-grade student at the Namangan Specialized School of Art (Namangan region)
  14. Tuychieva Dilafruz Numonjon kizi - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature at Kokand State Pedagogical Institute (Namangan region)
  15. Anorova Gulhayo Zokir kizi - Social service worker at the "Vatanparvar" Mahalla Citizens' Assembly in Samarkand city (Samarkand region)
  16. Khamdamova Afruza Akbarovna - 9th-grade student at the 42nd general secondary school in Samarkand city (Samarkand region)
  17. Abdusalamova Zanjiloy Farkhod kizi - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of International Journalism at the Uzbekistan State World Languages University (Syrdarya region)
  18. Ganieva Maftuna Abduaziz kizi - Doctoral candidate in educational theory and methodology at Gulistan State University (Syrdarya region)
  19. Abdusaidova Gulruxsorabegim Komiljon qizi - 4th-year student of the Faculty of Criminal Justice at Tashkent State University of Law (Surkhandaryaregion)
  20. Zaripova Rushana Robertovna - Doctoral candidate in Uzbek literature at the Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature (Surkhandarya region)
  21. Anvarova Naima Anvar kizi - Uzbek language and literature teacher at the 7th general secondary school in Chinaz district (Tashkent region)
  22. Uralova Oysha Abduraim kizi - Head of the "Yangiobod Kelajak Sari" family business in Angren city (Tashkent region)
  23. Abdurasulova Dilnoza Botirali kizi - Assistant at the Department of Software Engineering at the Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies
  24. Saynazarova Laylokhon Odiljon kizi - Head of the circle at the Fergana city Department of Culture (Fergana region)
  25. Kamalova Shakhzoda Kakhramon qkzi - 11th-grade student at the 3rd specialized general secondary school in Urganch city (Khorezm region)
  26. Sobirova Laylokhon Arslonbek kizi - 1st-year master's student in the theory and methodology of physical education and sports at the Tashkent International University of Financial Management and Technology (Khorezm region)
  27. Sodikova Nasiba Majitovna - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Theatre Arts at the Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture (Tashkent city)
  28. Babeshko Alina Aleksandrovna - Teacher at the Department of Choreography at the Uzbekistan State Academy of Choreography (Tashkent city)



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