The project “Street Art and Music” will be introduced in Uzbekistan.



The project "Street Art and Music" will be implemented in Uzbekistan. On December 25 of this year, the President made a decision "On measures to further increase the level of cultural services to the population."

The decision approved a calendar plan of mass cultural and concert events to be held in the republic from 2024 to 2025.

Starting in 2024, a republic-wide competition among artistic amateur teams will take place every two years in October.

Commencing from April 1, 2024:

- The "Cultural Waves" media project will be implemented. This project outlines the competition's categories and criteria. It will award 50 million soums to each of the 50 best media products that are positively received by the public and hold high ideological value.
- "Khan's reception," a historical theatrical ceremony, will be held as an exemplar in Khudayarkhan's Horde in Kokan.
- The "Travel with a Star" project will commence, involving local and international personalities known among the population, especially on social networks.
- The "Street Art and Music" project will take place at designated locations.

This includes setting up stalls for musical instruments, paintings, and handicrafts on relevant streets. Additionally, 10 active creators from each region will receive incentives equivalent to at least 20 times the Basic Headcount Measure (BHM) at the end of each quarter.

Furthermore, the decision introduces the "Ambassador of Uzbek Culture" status to recognize and support the efforts of foreign citizens, including compatriots, who actively promote Uzbek national culture abroad.


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