Allocation of subsidy for housing purchase is simplified



Within the framework of the 2021 program, citizens who are permanently registered in the city of Tashkent, and who have received a notification about the allocation of subsidies, will be given the right to purchase houses built in the Tashkent region on the basis of a mortgage loan.  This is mentioned in the decision "On measures to simplify the processes of allocating mortgage loans and subsidies for the purchase of housing" adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 14 October of the current year.

By the decision, from 1 December 2022, the following was established:

• the head of the department of the “Youth Affairs Agency” and the directors of the employment assistance center will be removed from the commissions for selecting applicants for the subsidy;

• the procedure for considering the application for a subsidy by employment assistance centers, regional offices of the State Cadastral Chamber, youth affairs agency departments, and district (city) hokims will be cancelled;

• in this case, the information of these organizations is generated automatically through the software;

• within the framework of the social criteria for identifying citizens in need of housing to allocate subsidies, the following are included in the category of certain persons in need of social protection:

• young families, including citizens under the age of 30;

• highly educated specialists and medical workers who came to work in budget organizations in remote and suburban areas from other regions.

Until 1 November 2022, the "Labor - migration" program and the portal of the National Geographic Information System of the Cadastral Agency will be integrated into the software.

The upper limit of the debt burden for borrowers in allocating mortgage loans at the expense of the funds placed by the Ministry of Finance, as well as the restrictions set for applying for subsidies twice in one calendar year, have been cancelled.

Until 1 November 2022, measures will be taken to fully pay unpaid subsidies to cover part of the mortgage loan interest to citizens who have received a notification about the allocation of subsidies within the framework of the 2020-2022 program.

Within the framework of the 2021 program, citizens who are permanently registered in the city of Tashkent, and who have received a notification about the allocation of subsidies, will be given the right to purchase houses built in the Tashkent region on the basis of a mortgage loan.


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