Uzbekistan’s 2025 State Budget Law adopted by Senate
18 December 2024
4050Today, December 18, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis approved the Law “On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2025.” The Senate press service reported this.
At the second plenary session of the Senate, it was noted that the Law on the State Budget for 2025 is aimed at increasing the well-being of the population, reducing poverty, further improving the quality of social services, developing the “green economy,” and protecting the environment. According to it, the inflation rate in 2025, taking into account economic conditions, is projected to be around 7 percent.
“In particular, the Law establishes the task of not exceeding the consolidated budget deficit by 3 percent of GDP in the medium term, and in 2025, consolidated budget revenues are formed in the amount of 431.0 trillion soums, and expenditures in the amount of 480.5 trillion soums,” the report says.
It is noted that the State Budget revenues are 308.5 trillion soums, and expenditures are 344.8 trillion soums. The revenues and expenditures of State Trust Funds (excluding inter-budgetary transfers) are planned to be 66.4 trillion soums and 62.8 trillion soums, respectively.
“The law also maintains the social orientation of expenditures next year, with 52 percent of State budget expenditures, or 177.7 trillion soums, being directed to the social sphere,” the report says.
The law also provides for 3.6 trillion soums in State budget expenditures for 2025 for ecological and environmental protection measures. It is planned to allocate 41.3 trillion soums to the healthcare sector, or 19.8 percent more than the expected implementation in 2024.
In addition, the decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers provide for the allocation of funds for measures to address urgent social problems in the regions, improve the infrastructure of neighborhoods, and implement measures of state importance in 2025.