Students of grades 10-11 can study any subject they choose



Starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, students of the 10th-11th grade in general secondary educational institutions, will gradually take 2 elective subjects (chemistry-biology, mathematics, physics, history-law, mother tongue and literature-foreign language  ) which they themselves will be able to choose.

This is provided for in the state program for the implementation of the development strategy of Uzbekistan for the years 2022-2026 in the “Year of attention to people and quality education”.

According to this, starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, in general secondary educational institutions, students will be gradually educated in universal and national values, in the spirit of patriotism, as well as communicative skills, critical and creative thinking, cooperation focused on the formation of skills such as work and research.

According to the new curriculum, 14 compulsory subjects studied by 10-11th graders will be reduced to 8.  Until now, the weekly load of 14 subjects is 31 hours, based on the improved curriculum.

This load will also be reduced.

In addition, starting from 1 September 2023, in one general secondary educational institution of each district (city), the practice of teaching students two foreign languages and one profession will be gradually launched.

“As a result, French will be taught in 76 schools, German in 76, English in 37, Korean in 10, Chinese in 6, and Japanese in 3.  Also, starting from the 10th grade, students will be taught 64 working professions, entrepreneurship in 21 fields, 10 IT and “creative industry” professions.  Youth leaders and well-known businessmen of the region will be involved in this process,” the program says.

It also includes:

Teaching students in grades 1-4 of general secondary educational institutions according to textbooks developed on the basis of advanced foreign experience;

Providing students with basic knowledge of general education subjects in grades 5-9;

The practice of imparting knowledge is introduced based on specialized programs that match the interests and abilities of 10-11th graders.

It should be recalled that earlier we reported that according to the state program, elementary school students will now be provided with free lunch.



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