Vocational training is provided to persons with disabilities in separate centers
13 October 2022
3621An "Opportunity Center" will be established, which will train people with disabilities in professions. This is stated in the decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On additional measures on state support of organizations belonging to societies of persons with disabilities and support for employment of persons with disabilities" adopted yesterday 12 October.=
According to the decree, the products produced by legal entities whose sole participant is public associations of persons with disabilities:
• their exhibition fair is held permanently;
• information on their size and technical parameters will be posted on the Electronic Cooperation portal by 15 November, 2022;
• Until 1 January 2023, a single register will be maintained.
From 1 January 2023, within the framework of state procurement, relevant organizations will purchase goods produced by enterprises included in the register in their territory in the amount of at least 10 percent of the volume of the subject of procurement.
During 2022, the "Opportunity Center" will be organized as an experiment in the cities of Nukus and Tashkent, and from 2023 in the remaining regions.
"Opportunity Center":
• acts as a space for the protection of the rights and legal interests of persons with disabilities;
• supports vocational training based on the interest of persons with disabilities.