The ambassador of Uzbekistan gives the credentials to King Charles



The Uzbekistan ambassador formally presented his credentials to King Charles yesterday, May 16, in London. Ravshan Usmonov, the new ambassador, was reported to have completed this ceremony, according to the "Dunyo" news agency.

Following the official event, King Charles III conveyed his respect and best wishes to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan during their conversation.

Their discussion underscored the significance of the current level of cooperation between Great Britain and Uzbekistan, emphasizing the importance of maximizing existing potential to enhance collaboration across various sectors further.

Concluding their conversation, King Charles III extended his good wishes to Ambassador Usmonov for his endeavors in strengthening bilateral relations.

It's worth noting that Ambassador Ravshan Usmonov assumed his post in London on November 14, 2023, having previously served as Uzbekistan's ambassador to Malaysia.

Additionally, it's pertinent to mention that Farrukh Tursunov, the recently appointed Uzbekistan ambassador to Spain, presented his credentials to King Philip VI in Madrid last month.


O'zbekiston Buyuk Britaniya Charl'z III Ravshan Usmonov

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