The Deputy of the Tashkent City Council resigned prematurely at his request



Abdumavlon Kasimov, deputy of the Tashkent City Council of People's Deputies, resigned ahead of his application.  This was reported by an independent source of QALAMPIR.UZ.

According to a source, the Tashkent City Council of People's Deputies unanimously approved the premature resignation of Abdumavlon Kasimov, who is also working as the head of the council's secretariat.

The council's decision on this was adopted at the 77th session held on 27 January.  Abdumavlon Kasimov has been controlling the social networks of the Tashkent City Council of People's Deputies and the website of the council until today.

The gratitude expressed to Jahangir Ortiqkhojayev, the former mayor of Tashkent city, was his initiative, and today both the official website of the council and its pages on social networks have completely stopped functioning.

In January 2020, he was elected as a deputy of the 45th Karatash district from the "Adolat" party, and accordingly, his mandate as a deputy was to be valid until January 2025.

For information, Kasimov Abdumavlon Nasirovich was born in 1973 in Tashkent.  CEO of "Saray Plastic" joint venture, entrepreneur.

It should be recalled that earlier we reported that the former mayor of Tashkent Jahangir Ortiqkhojayev's mandate as a deputy of the city council was terminated before the deadline.


deputat Toshkent shahar Abdumavlon Qosimov

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