The powers of the Constitutional Court are expanded



Yesterday, on July 24, a meeting of the "Adolat" party took place in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, where they considered the draft law "On amendments and additions to the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, specifically focusing on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan." This information was reported by the press service of the Legislative Chamber.

The newly revised Constitution of the Constitutional Court of Uzbekistan and the establishment of new norms regarding its powers require the need for reforming the court's activities based on a unified approach.

The draft law introduces amendments and additions to the law "On the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan," stipulating that the Constitutional Court will issue a conclusion on the constitutionality of issues submitted to the referendum. Additionally, it proposes that the judges of the Constitutional Court will be elected for a ten-year term without the right to re-election.

"The members of the faction supported this draft law, acknowledging its importance as an essential conceptual document aligned with the goals and ideas of the party's pre-election program. It holds particular significance in ensuring the integrity and continuity of legislation in this direction," the report says.

During the meeting, other agenda items were thoroughly considered by the deputies, and appropriate decisions were made.


Oliy Majlis Konstitutsiyaviy sud

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