Fire at Kokan Market extinguished within 4 hours



In a remarkable display of efficiency, firefighters managed to extinguish a raging fire that broke out at the Kokan market within a mere four hours. The incident occurred on June 12, according to a report released by the Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The fire, which engulfed the shopping complexes in open flames, was first reported at 19:25. Swift action was taken, with fire and rescue units swiftly arriving at the scene, fully surrounding the area by 20:25. Utilizing their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, the dedicated emergency teams successfully contained and extinguished the inferno by 23:30.

As the authorities continue to investigate the incident, efforts are underway to determine the cause of the fire and assess the extent of the material damage caused by the blaze. The Press Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations stated that the inquiry is ongoing.

The prompt response and efficient firefighting operations conducted by the emergency services deserve commendation, as their swift actions prevented further destruction and potential harm to human lives. Their tireless efforts were vital in bringing the situation under control in a relatively short period. 


yong'in Qo'qon

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