The weather forecast for tomorrow in Uzbekistan was announced by Uzgidromet



In Tashkent, it will be partly cloudy with no expected precipitation. Eastward winds will blow at speeds ranging from 3-8 m/s, with temperatures between 14-16°C at night and 28-30°C during the day.

The Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region will experience similar conditions with brief rain showers and thunderstorms. Eastward winds will vary from 7-18 m/s, with temperatures ranging from 14-19°C at night and 28-33°C during the day.

Bukhara and Navoi regions will have partly cloudy skies without rain, with winds ranging from 7-18 m/s and temperatures between 15-20°C at night and 29-34°C during the day.

Tashkent, Jizzakh, Syrdarya, and Samarkand regions will see partly cloudy weather with no precipitation, accompanied by eastward winds at 7-12 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will range from 13-18°C, while daytime temperatures will reach 25-30°C.

Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions will have similar conditions, with temperatures ranging from 14-19°C at night and 29-34°C during the day, accompanied by eastward winds at 7-12 m/s.

Andijan, Namangan, and Fergana regions will experience partly cloudy weather with no rain, with eastward winds at 5-10 m/s and temperatures between 12-17°C at night and 25-30°C during the day.

Additionally, mountainous regions will also see partly cloudy skies with no precipitation, but there is a risk of avalanches in the Tashkent region's mountains above 2000 m. Eastward winds will blow at 7-12 m/s, with temperatures between 5-10°C at night and 13-18°C during the day.


ob-havo O'zbekiston O'zgidromet

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