More than 2 billion are allocated to turn 3 monuments into museums



The Cultural Heritage Agency has reported that five archaeological monuments located in different regions of Uzbekistan will be transformed into open-air museums.

This decision is in accordance with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan's decree dated May 27, 2023, titled "On Measures for the Development of Service and Service in Museums," which approved the archaeological monuments' conversion into museums from 2023 to 2026. Consequently, regional restoration centers have opened open-air archaeological sites at the following monuments: "Chilonzor Oktepa" in Tashkent, "Dalvarzintepa" in Surkhandarya region, "Mingtepa" in Andijan region, "Sherozkala" in Samarkand region, and "Koykirilan Kala" in Karakalpakstan. All of these sites will be turned into tourist attractions.

To facilitate this initiative, the Cultural Heritage Agency has allocated 1 billion soums for the museumization of the Sherozkala archaeological monument in Samarkand region, 500 million soums for the restoration and repair of the Chilonzor Oktepa archaeological monument in Tashkent, and 800 million soums for the Dalvarzintepa archaeological monument in Surkhandarya. The budget for the remaining two objects has not been disclosed as of now.

It is worth noting that in 2022, a total of 28.7 billion soums were spent on the repair and restoration of historical monuments in Samarkand.


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